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Fire Emblem Echoes Where to Get More Weapons

The following is a list of weapons from Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia.

Echoes sword weapon type icon.png Swords

Name Wt Mt Hit Range Worth Effects Learned Skills
Echoes-sword icon.png Sword 0 0 90% 1 - Automatically equipped when unarmed -
Echoes iron sword icon.png Iron Sword 0 2 90% 1 Silver mark icon.png10 - Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngWrath Strike
Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngWindsweep
Echoes steel sword icon.png Steel Sword 1 4 80% 1 Silver mark icon.png15 - Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngSunder
Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngCrosswise Cut
Echoes silver sword icon.png Silver Sword 2 8 90% 1 Silver mark icon.png20 - Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngDuelist Sword
Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngRoundhouse
Echoes brave sword icon.png Brave Sword 0 5 90% 1 Silver mark icon.png25 Crt +30 Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngPenetrate
Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngGrounder
Echoes darkness sword icon.png Shadow Sword 5 13 65% 1 Silver mark icon.png25 Lck -10 Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngHex
Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngLifetaker
Echoes lightning sword icon.png Lightning Sword 3 15 80% 1-2 Silver mark icon.png25 Crt -10, CEV -1
Ignores user's Atk
Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngTransmute
Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngFoudroyant
Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngThunderclap
Echoes blessed sword icon.png Blessed Sword 0 3 100% 1 Silver mark icon.png25 Crt +10 Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngAnti-Terrors
Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngRecovery
Echoes regal sword icon.png Royal Sword 1 6 90% 1 - Crt +10
Alm only
Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngRecovery
Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngSubdue
Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngDouble Lion
Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngScendscale
Echoes falchion icon.png Falchion 1 10 80% 1 - Alm only
Seals Oculus
Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngDeicide
Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngAnti-Terrors
Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngRecovery
Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngScendscale
Echoes astra icon.png Astra 2 10 100% 1 - Crt +50 Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngAstral Blade
Echoes golden dagger icon.png Golden Dagger 0 1 90% 1 - - Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngPlenitude
Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngEarth's Boon
Echoes zweihander icon.png Zweihander 3 8 70% 1 Silver mark icon.png50 Crt +10 Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngSunder
Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngPenetrate
Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngTigerstance
Echoes lady sword icon.png Ladyblade 1 6 85% 1 Silver mark icon.png25 Crt +5
Doubles Might when equipped by a female
Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngHexblade
Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngFlamberge
Echoes mercurius icon.png Mercurius 2 11 80% 1 Golden mark icon.png1 - Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngRecovery
The zofia icon.png Beloved Zofia 1 6 85% 1 - Crt +10
Celica only
Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngRecovery
Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngSubdue
Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngSwap
Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngRagnarok Ω
Echoes ilwoon icon.png Ilwoon 4 10 70% 1 Silver mark icon.png50 Crt +15 Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngWrath Strike
Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngLunge
Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngDeath Blow
Echoes rapier icon.png Rapier 1 3 90% 1 Silver mark icon.png50 Crt +5 Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngAnti-Cavalry
Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngAnti-Armor
Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngSubdue
Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngShadow Gambit
Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngDestreza
Echoes exalted falchion icon.png Exalted Falchion 0 0 90% 1 - Marth's default weapon
Seals Oculus
Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngDeicide
Echoes parallel falchion icon.png Parallel Falchion 0 0 90% 1 - Lucina's default weapon -
Echoes ragnell icon.png Ragnell 0 0 90% 1 - Ike's default weapon -
Echoes binding blade icon.png Binding Blade 0 0 90% 1 - Roy's default weapon
Seals Oculus
Echoes Sword Skill icon.pngDeicide
Echoes yato icon.png Yato 0 0 90% 1 - Corrin's default weapon -
Echoes rusted sword icon.png Rusted Sword 3 0 80% 1 - Useless in its current state -
Echoes venin edge icon.png Venin Edge 1 1 80% 1 Silver mark icon.png10 Inflicts poison upon contact -
Echoes seven sword icon.png Seven Sword 1 5 90% 1 Golden mark icon.png1 Boosts stats between the 7th and 11th turns -

Echoes lance weapon type icon.png Lances

Name Wt Mt Hit Range Worth Effects Learned Skills
Echoes lance icon.png Lance 0 0 90% 1 - Automatically equipped when unarmed -
Echoes iron lance icon.png Iron Lance 0 2 80% 1 Silver mark icon.png10 - Echoes Lance Skill icon.pngHit and Run
Echoes Lance Skill icon.pngLongearche
Echoes steel lance icon.png Steel Lance 1 4 80% 1 Silver mark icon.png15 - Echoes Lance Skill icon.pngArmorcrush
Echoes Lance Skill icon.pngTempest Lance
Echoes silver lance icon.png Silver Lance 2 8 90% 1 Silver mark icon.png20 - Echoes Lance Skill icon.pngMistdancer
Echoes Lance Skill icon.pngOverrun
Echoes javelin icon.png Javelin 2 3 70% 1-2 Silver mark icon.png20 - -
Echoes ridersbane icon.png Ridersbane 2 4 80% 1 Silver mark icon.png20 - Echoes Lance Skill icon.pngAnti-Cavalry
Echoes blessed lance icon.pngBlessed Lance 0 3 90% 1 Silver mark icon.png25 Crt +10 Echoes Lance Skill icon.pngRecovery
Echoes Lance Skill icon.pngAnti-Terrors
Is 3ds03 steel lance.png
Clive's Lance
2 5 80% 1 Silver mark icon.png15 - Wrath StrikeArmorcrush


Fernand's Lance 1 3 90% 1 Silver mark icon.png10 - LongearchePenetrate


Echoes blessed lance icon.pngClair's Lance 0 2 80% 1 Silver mark icon.png25 Resistance +5 Echoes Lance Skill icon.pngAnti-Terrors
Echoes Lance Skill icon.pngMistdancer
Echoes gradivus icon.png Gradivus 5 12 100% 1-2 Golden mark icon.png1 - Echoes Lance Skill icon.pngRecovery
Echoes sol icon.png Sol 2 20 80% 1 Golden mark icon.png1 - Echoes Lance Skill icon.pngSolar Thrust
Duma's lance icon.png Duma's Lance 3 6 80% 1 Silver mark icon.png25 - Echoes Lance Skill icon.pngVendetta
Echoes emperor's lance icon.png Emperor Lance 4 7 85% 1 Silver mark icon.png25 - Echoes Lance Skill icon.pngSubdue
Echoes Lance Skill icon.pngShove
Echoes Lance Skill icon.pngLionine Poise
Kriemhild icon.png Kriemhild 2 10 85% 1-3 - Defense +5, Resistance +5 Echoes Lance Skill icon.pngPhantasm
Romfire icon.png Rhomphaia 3 5 80% 1 Silver mark icon.png50 Crt +10 Echoes Lance Skill icon.pngArmorcrush
Echoes Lance Skill icon.pngKnightkneeler
Echoes Lance Skill icon.pngDragonhaze
Saunion icon.png Saunion 4 6 70% 2-3 Silver mark icon.png50 - Echoes Lance Skill icon.pngSwap
Echoes Defense Skill icon.pngDefensive
Echoes Lance Skill icon.pngArchballista
Echoes rusted lance icon.png Rusted Lance 3 1 80% 1 - Useless in its current state -
Echoes venin lance icon.png Venin Lance 1 1 80% 1 Silver mark icon.png10 Inflicts poison upon contact -
Trainee's Lance 0 2 100% 1 - - Solo Triangle Attack
Wayward Lance 2 3 70% 1 - Crt +20 Heaven or Hell

Echoes axe weapon type icon.png Axes

No playable characters are capable of using axes.

Name Wt Mt Hit Range Worth Effects Learned Skills
Echoes axe icon.png Axe 0 0 90% 1 - Automatically equipped when unarmed -
Echoes axe icon.png Splitting Axe 1 1 80% 1 Silver mark icon.png10 - -
Echoes devil axe icon.png Devil Axe 5 15 70% 1 Silver mark icon.png50 Crt +5 Hex
Echoes rusted axe icon.png Rusted Axe 5 0 80% 1 - Useless in its current state -
Echoes venin axe icon.png Venin Axe 1 1 80% 1 Silver mark icon.png10 Inflicts poison upon contact -

Echoes bow weapon type icon.png Bows

Name Wt Mt Hit Range Worth Effects Learned Skills
Echoes bow icon.png Bow 0 0 70% 1-3 - Automatically equipped when unarmed -
Echoes iron bow icon.png Iron Bow 2 2 75% 1-3 Silver mark icon.png10 - Echoes Bow Skill icon.pngAnti-Fliers
Echoes Bow Skill icon.pngCurved Shot
Echoes steel bow icon.png Steel Bow 3 3 65% 1-3 Silver mark icon.png15 - Echoes Bow Skill icon.pngAnti-Fliers
Echoes Bow Skill icon.pngHeavy Draw
Echoes silver bow icon.png Silver Bow 4 5 70% 1-3 Silver mark icon.png20 - Echoes Bow Skill icon.pngAnti-Fliers
Echoes Bow Skill icon.pngWard Arrow
Echoes blessed bow icon.png Blessed Bow 2 3 80% 1-3 Silver mark icon.png25 Crt +10 Echoes Bow Skill icon.pngAnti-Fliers
Echoes Bow Skill icon.pngRecovery
Echoes Bow Skill icon.pngAnti-Terrors
Echoes luna icon.png Luna 5 10 85% 1-3 Golden mark icon.png1 - Echoes Bow Skill icon.pngAnti-Fliers
Echoes Bow Skill icon.pngLunar Flash
Echoes parthia icon.png Parthia 6 8 75% 1-3 Golden mark icon.png1 - Echoes Bow Skill icon.pngAnti-Fliers
Echoes Bow Skill icon.pngRecovery
Echoes Bow Skill icon.pngTrance Shot
Mila's bow icon.png Mila's Bow 3 3 80% 1-3 Golden mark icon.png1 - Echoes Bow Skill icon.pngAnti-Fliers
Echoes Bow Skill icon.pngRecovery
Echoes Bow Skill icon.pngPlenitude
Echoes Bow Skill icon.pngEarth's Boon
Echoes longbow icon.png Longbow 4 2 70% 2-4 Silver mark icon.png50 - Echoes Bow Skill icon.pngAnti-Fliers
Echoes Bow Skill icon.pngEncloser
Echoes killer bow icon.png Killer Bow 4 4 80% 1-3 Silver mark icon.png50 Crt +20 Echoes Bow Skill icon.pngAnti-Fliers
Echoes Bow Skill icon.pngHunter Volley
Echoes shining bow icon.png Radiant Bow 3 1 75% 1-2 Silver mark icon.png50 - Echoes Bow Skill icon.pngAnti-Fliers
Echoes Bow Skill icon.pngTransmute
Echoes Bow Skill icon.pngCelestial Bow
Echoes rusted bow icon.png Rusted Bow 3 0 70% 1-2 - Useless in its current state -
Echoes venin bow icon.png Venin Bow 1 1 60% 1-3 Silver mark icon.png10 Inflicts poison upon contact
Echoes iron bow icon.pngPython's Bow 3 2 80% 2-3 Silver mark icon.png10 - Echoes Bow Skill icon.pngAnti-Fliers
Echoes Bow Skill icon.pngCurved Shot
Echoes Bow Skill icon.pngHeavy Draw
Echoes Bow Skill icon.pngEncloser

Echoes black magic weapon type icon.png Black Magic

Name Wt Mt Hit Range HP Cost Effects
Echoes black magic icon.png Fire 3 3 80% 1-2 1 -
Echoes black magic icon.png Nosferatu 2 0 60% 1-2 0 Absorbs HP equal to damage dealt to enemy
Can KO Gods
Seals Oculus
Echoes black magic icon.png Thunder 5 4 70% 1-3 2 -
Echoes black magic icon.png Excalibur 1 5 95% 1-2 3 Crt +20
Echoes black magic icon.png Seraphim 4 7 90% 1-2 4 Anti-Terrors
Echoes black magic icon.png Aura 8 12 80% 1-2 6 -
Echoes black magic icon.png Sagittae 11 16 70% 1-3 8 -
Echoes black magic icon.png Ragnarok 14 20 95% 1-2 10 -
Echoes black magic icon.png Miasma 3 3 80% 1-2 1 Enemy only
Echoes black magic icon.png Mire 6 10 70% 1-3 2 Enemy only
Echoes black magic icon.png Death 9 14 70% 1-3 5 Enemy only
Echoes black magic icon.png Medusa 11 - 70% 1-5 7 Reduces foe to 1 HP; KOs if at 1 HP
Enemy only
Echoes black magic icon.png Ocular Beam 8 10 55% 1-2 0 Duma only
Echoes black magic icon.png Oculus 10 10 80% 1-5 0 Prevents enemy attacks
Duma only
Echoes black magic icon.png Apocalypse 0 30 0% 0 12 Devastating magic
Echoes black magic icon.png Thoron 0 3 80% 1-2 0 Crt +5
Robin only

Echoes white magic weapon type icon.png White Magic

All summoned units will vanish if the caster is killed.

Name Mt Hit Range HP Cost Exp Effects
Echoes white magic icon.png Recover 8 - 1 1 9 Restores an adjacent ally's HP
Echoes white magic icon.png Physic 6 - 1-Atk 3 9 Restores a distant ally's HP
Echoes white magic icon.png Fortify 6 - 1-Atk/2 12 9 Restores HP for all allies in range
Echoes white magic icon.png Warp - - 1 8 0 Teleports an ally to Atk/2 squares away
Echoes white magic icon.png Rewarp - - - 5 0 Teleports user next to any ally
Echoes white magic icon.png Rescue - - 1-Atk/2 6 0 Transports a distant ally next to user
Echoes white magic icon.png Anew - - 1 24 0 Allows an adjacent ally to move again
Echoes white magic icon.png Entrap - 70% 1-Atk/4 12 8 Brings an enemy next to user
Echoes white magic icon.png Freeze - 70% 1-Atk/4 11 8 Stops one enemy moving for 1 Turn
Echoes white magic icon.png Silence - 70% 1-Atk/4 10 8 Seals an enemy's magic for 1 Turn
Echoes white magic icon.png Expel 8 65% 1-Atk/2 14 7 Banishes unpromoted Terrors in range
Echoes white magic icon.png Ward - - 1 12 0 Raises an adjacent ally's Resistance
Echoes white magic icon.png Restore - - 1-Atk/4 12 0 Removes ailments from allies in range
Echoes white magic icon.png Invoke - - 2-3 12 0 Silque only
Summons illusory Dread Fighters (up to 8)
Echoes white magic icon.png Invoke - - 3-4 12 0 Tatiana only
Summons illusory Pegasus Knights (up to 8)
Echoes white magic icon.png Invoke - - 4-6 12 0 Genny only
Summons illusory Soldiers (up to 8)
Echoes white magic icon.png Lemegeton - - - 12 0 Summons a number of powerful illusory allies
Echoes white magic icon.png Conjure - - 3-7 1 - Summons a number of Revenants
Echoes white magic icon.png Conjure - - 3-7 2 - Summons a number of Bonewalkers
Echoes white magic icon.png Conjure - - 3-7 4 - Summons a number of Gargoyles
Echoes white magic icon.png Conjure - - 3-5 6 - Summons a number of Draco Zombies
Echoes white magic icon.png Conjure - - 3-5 0 - Summons a number of Witches
Echoes white magic icon.png Conjure - - 3-5 0 - Summons a number of Mogalls
Echoes white magic icon.png Conjure - - 3-5 1 - Summons a number of powerful Revenants
Echoes white magic icon.png Conjure - - 3-5 2 - Summons a number of powerful Bonewalkers
Echoes white magic icon.png Conjure - - 3-5 4 - Summons a number of stronger Gargoyles
Echoes white magic icon.png Conjure - - 3-5 4 - Summons a number of powerful Gargoyles

Echoes white magic icon.png Conjure

- - 2-3 6 - Summons a number of powerful Draco Zombies
Echoes white magic icon.png Conjure - - 2-3 0 - Summons a number of powerful Witches
Echoes white magic icon.png Conjure - - 2-3 0 - Summons a number of powerful Mogalls

Echoes terror weapon type icon.png Miscellaneous

No playable characters are capable of using miscellaneous weapons.

Name Wt Mt Hit Range Effects
Echoes terror weapon icon.png Claws 0 0 90% 1 Default weapon for Revenants, Entombeds, and Draculs
Echoes terror weapon icon.png Venin Claw 0 5 80% 1 Inflicts poison upon contact
Echoes terror weapon icon.png Numbing Claws 0 7 70% 1 Stops movement upon contact
Echoes terror weapon icon.png Fangs 0 0 90% 1 Default weapon for Draco Zombies, White Dragons, Mila's Servants, Duma's Apostles, and Fafnirs
Echoes terror weapon icon.png Scythe 0 0 90% 1 Default weapon for Gargoyles, Deathgoyles, and Garudas
Echoes terror weapon icon.png Bone Sword 0 0 90% 1 Default weapon for Bonewalkers
Echoes terror weapon icon.png Club 0 0 90% 1 Default weapon for Wights and Deimoses
Echoes terror weapon icon.png Tackle 0 0 90% 1 Default weapon for Mogalls and Balors
Echoes terror weapon icon.png Tentacle 0 10 90% 1 Default weapon for Dark Gods
Echoes terror weapon icon.png Fire Breath 5 12 80% 2-3 Default weapon for Fire Dragons
Null Defense
Echoes terror weapon icon.png Water Breath 4 8 80% 2-3 Default weapon for Dagons
Null Defense
Echoes terror weapon icon.png Talons 0 22 100% 1 Default weapon for Dagons and Fire Dragons
Echoes terror weapon icon.png Expiration 8 14 70% 1-5 Default weapon for Fell Dragons
Null Defense

Fire Emblem Echoes Where to Get More Weapons
